About Janine
Janine has experience within the fields of community services including 5 years supporting those within
the alcohol and other drugs in an outreach and aftercare service. Support platforms such as mentoring
and life coaching for many years and training, education and mentoring those re-launching back into
the workforce after many years away from mainstream employment.
Janine’s passion has her supporting men and women with the where to next part of their life. As your
life coach Janine uses strength and evidence-based strategies for you to comfortably step out of what
your life is now and to step into the life you have been asking for. Even if you are unsure of what is next
for you counselling tools such as effective listening, motivational interviewing along with cognitive
behavioural therapy will be used to support and build your self-worth and confidence to put together a
plan for the successful steps forward. Janine is an advocate for incorporating fun, relaxation, and
freedom into your plan There are five stages of change in which your coaching will support you through
easily and effortlessly without fuss.
Engaging Janine as your success coach will help you to reflect and tweak your way ahead. A guiding
hand when creating a plan (your own recipe) that will align yourself onto a focused built path, leading
you straight to successful outcomes of your choosing, supporting you to be your best. Janine is an
accidental counsellor who is also strengthening her skills and is currently working on adding to her
qualifications Diploma of Counselling.
Have a look at the coaching on offer and Janine’s look forward to creating your own recipe which will
support you to that next level of success in which you have been asking for.

Certified Life Coach
Motivational Interviewing
Accidental Counsellor (Lifeline)
Suicide Assist (Lifeline)
Certificate IV in Community Services & Alcohol and Other Drugs
LL&N Education Trainer, (Certificate IV in Assessing and Training)
Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy (Nutrition, Dry Needling, MET)
Completion of 5 Diploma of Counselling units